about the restorative deep tissue massage

This massage aims to ease into the deeper layers of tissues of the body to release chronic tension and even adhesions. It restores muscle flexibility and enables you to move freely without restrictions from tight areas, especially in the back, neck, and shoulders. The bespoke Restorative Deep Tissue Massage helps release the patterns of chronic tension and can be used as a strategical massage therapy treatment to target different problem areas while adding more techniques like articulation as the body’s movement increases. It offers the benefits of sports massage,  only its essence is of a more relaxing nature. You will always feel comfortable and in control when receiving the Restorative Deep Tissue Massage. You may wish to choose to have the full hour on half the body e.g the back. 

move freely

this massage treatment involves

the benefits of this massage treatment

The body instantly reacts when in need of tension release
Fantastic results every time
this massage is for you if...
...your movement is restricted, especially in the back, neck and shoulders due to hard areas ( knots) and you'd like a massage that is deep, but relaxing, with detailed and focused work.

If you’re not keen on deep pressure and you’d like a soothing massage with light stretches the Pasithea Flow Massage may be the one for you.


This treatment is not performed on ladies who are pregnant.


Some of the contra-indications are skin infections and feeling generally unwell. Please get in touch if you have any questions.

The bespoke and signature restorative deep tissue massage is a deep treatment but of a more relaxing nature

reserve your appointment today

Book online and expect to experience a great massage


Internationally recognised

Do you have a question? Get in touch!